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Fava Beans

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Foul is a popular breakfast not only in Syria but throughout the Middle East. Since it is very filling, it is often fed to the Suhur in the fasting month of Ramadan. Serve with tomatoes, spring onions, onions, olives and of course Arabic flatbread, which replaces the spoon here. The broad beans are traditionally soaked and cooked overnight.
In Syria you can buy cooked broad beans at breakfast stalls and cook them at home as you like. It is a very rich legume of protein and everyone can afford it, which is why it is called the meat of the poor and it has many important health benefits.
There are several ways to prepare for the way. There is foul with cumin and oil and chilli, foul with chickpeas, foul with cumin and oil and lemon, wide medals, foul with Lebanese recipe, lazy with Damascene recipe, lazy with Alexandrine recipe with Tahina (sesame paste), foul with Palestinian recipe, Foul with cumin and lemon and chilli, foul with Tahina (sesame paste), foul with cumin, foul with cumin and chilli.
